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  1. Protected: Residences Referral

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  2. About Golden Transitions

  3. senior-computer

    Five ways technology is helping you age more gracefully

    Along with the declines we’re seeing in our senses associated with aging, there is a corresponding trend of clever new technologies designed to make aging much more manageable and in some cases, much less embarrassing.

  4. conversation

    Conversations we need to have with our parents

    Deciding on a retirement residence should not be done after Mom has fallen at home and broken her pelvis. Deciding on a dignified death should not be made when a parent suffers a severe stroke and is laying in a coma.

  5. grandparent-kiss

    Surviving the Sandwich Generation with Dignity

    Most agree that the biggest challenge for the sandwich generation occurs when the parents must leave the primary home, giving up their independence to move into a retirement living facility. Here's some helpful advice.

  6. Our Vision

    Eventually, many of us face a very typical situation We reach an age where we can no longer manage the residence we have had for…

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  7. pens2

    Creative Flow

    Appearance settigns: right-aligned description, 2/3 media + 1/3 description, portfolio format: gallery. Lacinia hymenaeos interdum ridiculus rutrum, tellus molestie libero Pede sociis luctus vulputate ipsum…

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  8. Full Width

    Full width portfolio with slider. Nascetur ullamcorper sed euismod metus velit primis porta. Hac. Venenatis lacus ligula eu fames odio aliquam odio taciti quis fames…

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  9. Custom Designed

    Without our clients, our work would have no meaning

  10. Logotype Design

    Appearance settigns: centered gallery, description below. Nascetur ullamcorper sed euismod metus velit primis porta. Hac. Venenatis lacus ligula eu fames odio aliquam odio taciti quis…

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